Community Profile
Graham is the county seat of Alamance County, which has an estimated population of 166,144. It shares borders with the City of Burlington (pop. 58,771) and the Town of Haw River (pop. 2,242). Today, Graham is a city with approximately 17,757 residents living in an area of nearly 10 square miles. The City also has zoning authority in its extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ) which covers approximately 7.2 square miles. Below you can read more about Graham, explore the county and take a look at our higher education institutions.
2013 Community Profile
This document serves as a snapshot of Graham. It provides information to guide decisions about the future of Graham and a point-of-reference to track changes in the community over the years to come. Learn more...
Alamance Chamber
The Alamance Chamber works hard to enhance the welfare of Alamance County business as well as promote and stimulate economic vitality for our members and the community.
Alamance Community College
Everyone talks about jobs. Alamance Community College is doing something about it. Since 1958, Alamance Community College has provided hope, opportunity and new direction, meeting each student wherever he or she is on their journey.
Elon University
Elon is a selective, mid-sized private university renowned as a national model for engaged and experiential learning. Students work closely with faculty who are dedicated to excellent teaching and scholarship. The curriculum is grounded in the traditional liberal arts and sciences and complemented by nationally accredited professional and graduate programs.