GPD Complaint Process
The Graham Police Department considers the Investigations of complaints regarding an employee’s actions or our policies to be one of our most important missions.
Our Internal Affairs (IA) Function is commanded by the Assistant Chief and includes supervisors who have received specific training in internal affairs investigative procedures investigate all complaints objectively and thoroughly. Through this function, we examine our practices closely and investigate allegations and circumstances that may not meet our expectations, or the expectations of our community. We provide a summary of those investigations to the public annually to show transparency and accountability.
Who May Register a Complaint?
A complaint may be made by any resident and can be made by telephone, in person or online. In the event an internal affairs investigator is not available to take a complaint, a complaint may be submitted to the desk officer or any member of the Police Department holding the rank of sergeant or above. All complaints will be forwarded to the Assistant Chief for processing.
You may file a complaint against a member of the GPD within 60 days of an incident using one of these four ways.
- Online using this GPD Complaint Form
- By mail: Filling out this printable GPD Complaint Form to
Graham Police Department
Attention: Assistant Chief
216 South Maple Street
Graham, NC 27253 - In person: by visiting from 8 am to 4:30pm Mondays through Fridays at the
~ (address above) - By calling: from 8 am to 4:30 pm Mondays through Fridays at 336-570-6711
Complaint Process
Once filed, a complaint is thoroughly investigated. A report is prepared which includes taped and / or signed statements from the complainant, the accused and all witnesses. The completed investigative report also includes a narrative summary of the events and a finding of facts as determined by the taped and / or signed statements of those involved. The finalized report will be reviewed by the employee’s chain of command. The chain of command will recommend case disposition, and disciplinary action if necessary to the Chief of Police. In all cases, the officer is notified of the disposition. A complainant will not be told the level of discipline that an employee receives due to the Personnel Privacy Act but will be notified that the investigation has concluded.