The Thursdays at Seven Concert Series is back for 2021…we are moving forward with the concert series. We will continue to follow the governor’s mandates and all events will continue to be tentative pending COVID-19 and Executive Order Phase Guidelines. As the governor’s mandates are updated, we continue to review protocols to determine the best way to safely produce the Thursday at Seven concerts which historically attracts a large crowd. The current location at Bill Cooke Park will remain at this time to allow more control over the concert area as needed this concert season. We will continue to encourage social distancing with those outside of your party.
Grab your lawn chair for music and fun for the whole family but leave these at home (no smoking/vaping allowed, no alcohol, no coolers, no drones). Carpooling is recommended. Don’t forget to check out local businesses in Graham before the show! Vendors will also be on-site with your favorite treats!
Presenting sponsor of the Thursdays at Seven Concert Series is Living Landscapes, Inc. Stage sponsors include Allen Tate Realty, Ausley’s Chevelle, Last Call HVAC, and Perry’s MosquitoX. For more information and concert updates, please visit or follow Graham Recreation & Parks on Facebook. All events are tentative pending COVID-19 and Executive Order Phase Guidelines.
4th Thursdays (May – September)
Times: 7:00pm – 9:00pm
For All Ages
Cost: Free
NEW Location for 2021 (subject to change): Bill Cooke Park • 1010 Townbranch Road, Graham, NC 27253
2021 Concert Schedule:
May 27 – The Holiday Band
June 24 – The Sand Band
July 22 – Bounce
August 26 – The Castaways
September 9 – Cat5
September 23 – Mason Lovette Band