Parks for Pollinators BioBlitz

Community Partners from the 2020 BioBlitz

Alamance County 4-H

Taylor Jones, Extension Agent & 4-H Youth Development Coordinator with the Alamance County Cooperative Extension, tells us how pollinators are the COOLEST critters. Check out this video on how to make your own bee/bug motel that lots of native pollinators use to make their homes in. Also be sure to check out this website, for more information from NC State University about pollinators and how important they are. 

Learn more at Alamance County 4-H

Alamance County Beekeepers

Fun Facts about Honey Bees!
Did you know…
• bees are great pollinators – they can visit up to 5,000 flowers in a single day
• bees are great dancers – they do the waggle dance!
• bees are great producers – they make honey, beeswax, bee pollen, propolis and royal jelly
• bees are great fliers – they fly 20mph, and carry heavy pollen in baskets on their hind legs!
• bees are so much more than insects – to learn more about becoming a beekeeper, or about honeybees in general, visit Alamance County Beekeepers

Alamance Community College Horticulture Technology 

Liz Riley, Department Head of ACC’s Horticulture Technology, is sharing information about their farm and greenhouses, the use of beneficial insects for pest management, and pollinator friendly plants. Plantworks Nursery and the plants they offer for pollinators is also highlighted in the short and informative clip.

Learn more at Alamance Community College Horticulture Technology 

Alamance County Public Libraries

Mary Beth, librarian with the Alamance County Public Libraries, is sharing the great books available at your local library about pollinators and gardening in North Carolina. 

Learn more at Alamance County Public Libraries