March 25 – Downtown Community Meeting

You are invited to participate in a virtual community meeting where the North Carolina Main Street & Rural Planning Center (NCMS) staff will make a community presentation on Graham’s Downtown Associate Community program & Design 101. The presentation will include an updated on how Graham is advancing in the program and discuss future planning stages. Plan to log on to this meeting and tell a friend to participate too! Join by Zoom or from the City’s YouTube channel.
YouTube: via Zoom: Click or copy & paste this link to your browser:…or use your Zoom account and enter the
Meeting ID: 856 8752 8972
Passcode: 239034

Thursday March 25, 5:30p – 6:30p. The meeting will consist of a presentation explaining the DAC by the NCMS staff with questions welcomed at the end.
All are welcome and encouraged to attend from elected officials, downtown business owners, downtown property owners, citizens, non-profit agencies, community leaders, faith-based groups, influencers, advocates, champions and you, who LOVE Graham! Come be a part and learn more!