Fitness & Health

The City of Graham supports residents interested in active healthy lifestyles by providing a variety of fitness programs designed for all skills and abilities.  

Graham Walks

Hikes with Hounds

Alamance/Burlington Senior Games

Graham Walks is a self-motivating walking program designed to inspire you to stay active and reach your personal set goal.

Volunteer to take a shelter dog for a hike on one of Alamance County’s beautiful trails. Enjoy nature, socialize, and exercise with a few lucky pups.

Places to Walk in Graham

Graham Recreation Center

Maple Street Center

Looking for a place to get your steps in? Click here for a listing all of Graham’s Tracks & Trails in one place.

The Graham Recreation Center offers programs throughout the week from gym walking to a Weight & Fitness Room. 

The Maple Street Center offers various classes throughout the week including line dancing to TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly), as well as card groups. 

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